COP28 and the F agenda

I was advised by my daughter in Abu Dhabi not to say the F word while in the UAE. Two weeks later and I am tongue tied trying to string a sentence of F words together! The resounding demand from civil society at COP28 is for a fast, fair, funded, full, forever and feminist fossil fuel phase out.

Warning: Criminal Activity

Why doesn’t society act? Oblivious? Defiant? Busy? Lazy? Easier to scapegoat those sounding the alarm. Do you think the two activists wanted to throw paint at a picture? Do you think their ambition in life has been to glue themselves to a gallery? That they had nothing better to do? I would love to be able to stop being a climate activist. They have been criminalised for sounding the alarm.

Imagine Holidays

One significant global action taken during the Covid19 response has been the grounding of airplanes. As well as causing major problems for people stranded abroad, it has messed up lots of our holiday plans. The Irish tourism industry has put a call out for Irish people to holiday in Ireland and help make up theContinue reading “Imagine Holidays”

Change IS possible

During my first 2 pregnancies I had lots of seizures. I spent most of ’92 to ’94 on the couch for safety and a lot of time in the Coombe hospital often via ambulance. It was around this time I watched lots of television which enlightened me about the state of our planet. I becameContinue reading “Change IS possible”

This is Just the Beginning

Prophetic words “This is just the beginning” was a comment on a post I shared on facebook about the water crisis in Cape Town. You can read The Guardian article here. They are calling this a one in 384 year drought. It’s another step in the climate changed direction. Also on my facebook feed this morning wasContinue reading “This is Just the Beginning”

Corporate Social Responsibility

I attended a Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR event for Small to Medium Enterprises, SMEs today. Clare PPN had been invited along so I obliged as it was only down the road in Doolin. I had no intention of blogging about it but given the significance of what I realised I decided to. There is aContinue reading “Corporate Social Responsibility”

Ireland as a Leader Tackling Climate Change – Citizens Assembly

The first meeting of the Citizens Assembly considering “How the State can make Ireland a leader in Tacking Climate Change” has finished. It was a very interesting couple of days with the citizens asking pretty logical, normal questions of the expert panels. It was also great to be able to watch it live streamed andContinue reading “Ireland as a Leader Tackling Climate Change – Citizens Assembly”

Eirgrid, the PPNs and “What is Participation in our Energy Transition?”

I became aware of this potentially subversive proposal within the Public Participation Networks PPNs over the Christmas period and I didn’t know what to do about it. Anyone I mentioned it to had a similar reaction as I did – it’s very suspicious. It is not sitting easy with me and I am one for trusting my gutContinue reading “Eirgrid, the PPNs and “What is Participation in our Energy Transition?””

Actions speak loudest

Why are public bodies supporting exclusive back door policy opportunities? Where are the rural voices in Irelands energy space? Where are the “energy citizens” and local authorities in energy planning? I recently attended the Energy & Climate Conference in Dublin Castle. This time I decided to see if I could encourage others from County ClareContinue reading “Actions speak loudest”