Imagine Meetings

Things have changed with meetings. The formal boardroom has learned to adapt or gone into retirement. Casual group meetings are now a more structured activity. A visit to the grandparents means wiping fingerprints off the screens. People are sharing a cup of tea or glass of wine and a chat with friends via their laptops.Continue reading “Imagine Meetings”

Imagine the Working Week

Now that many of us have learned to work from home could we continue that trend to unlock the numerous benefits it holds? Less time commuting. Lower emissions. More time with loved ones. More time for hobbies. Greater work life balance. Less stress and more. If we can get all our work done and liveContinue reading “Imagine the Working Week”

Lisdoonvarna Direct Provision week 2

This is a follow up to last weeks post on the proposed direct provision centre in Lisdoonvarna. You can read that here. Last week we held a vote on the direct provision centre contract. We spent time on the wording because it wasn’t the asylum seekers we were voting on. Since then we’ve had aContinue reading “Lisdoonvarna Direct Provision week 2”

Lisdoonvarna and the Direct Provision Contract

I headed to the green schools expo last Wednesday soon after news of the proposed Direct Provision centre for Lisdoonvarna broke. I missed the first community meeting and given my recent burnout was happy to be away from it all to be honest. I got the feeling things were not going well at home soContinue reading “Lisdoonvarna and the Direct Provision Contract”

Women in Climate Action

I was invited to speak at the Clare Womens Network International Womens Day event in Ennis on March 8th. Someone else was talking about Clare PPN so that left me free to talk about the reason I am involved with any of this – Climate Change. I read my poem Inheritance, one of the many UNContinue reading “Women in Climate Action”

For €395 You Too Can Discuss Homelessness but thankfully the reduced rate is €295! Plus VAT of course

Just as they do in energy, healthcare, education etc there is a “Social Housing Summit” purporting to cover: “Planning, Building & Delivering Our Social Housing Needs  This event will be of real interest to all housing specialists, local authorities, consultants, social workers, housing agencies, government departments, regulators, universities, suppliers and manufacturers to the sector. A one-day conferenceContinue reading “For €395 You Too Can Discuss Homelessness but thankfully the reduced rate is €295! Plus VAT of course”

Empowering the Disempowered

I left my children on Monday November 3rd before heading to Dublin. When I eventually left Dublin Wednesday morning I drove home with tears streaming down my face. I cried for about two hours. It reminded me of that day in February 2013 when I started writing in rhyme following a realisation that just leftContinue reading “Empowering the Disempowered”